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Lost Star
Available now! Click here to order
Yes you too can create one of these stunning quilts.

Lost Star - as is
 The beauty of this fabulous quilt shines through even in its current condition.

Lost Star - as was

Photographer Michael Craft created this digitally enhanced version of Lost Star,
imagining how the quilt would have looked when new circa 1840.

 Surprisingly this quilt is NOT foundation paper pieced or English Paper Pieced.  The pattern is template based. 
Hand or machine piecing work equally well. Each patch is individually cut, then sewing lines are marked. Next pin along the line and sew on the marked line. Once you get the hang of the system - which is not difficult - you will make parts, join parts into sections, sections into wedges  and then sew the wedges together to create the starburst. You set the starburst aside and create the borders as a separate "quilt top" and to finish you applique the starburst to the borders. 

  • Mark the line
  • Pin the line
  • Stitch the line
  • One patch, one section at a time.

This quilt is all about fabric selection and fussy cutting - the fun part!

Click here to order.